Wayne County Regional Land Bank awarded CDBG Grant and Enterprise Grant. Executive Director, Dr. Mark Humbert – has been meeting with business owners and home owners near and around the properties that are for sale. If you are interested in any of the properties listed, please contact Mark.
Contact Mark at director@waynecountylandbankny.com  Current Bid Sheet – may be updated frequently
(Click to review) – Come back soon to view


Request for Proposals for Architectural Services- Property Documentation in a Historic District
Proposals Due By: August 30, 2023 at 4:00 p.m. EST
To view the ‘NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS’ containing a description and further instruction click here

Request for Proposals for a qualified environmental consultant to provide brownfield grant implementation services.
Proposals Due: August 22, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. EST
To view the ‘NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS’ containing a description and further instruction click here


Sealed bids for the Controlled Demolition with Asbestos in Place of 19 Columbia Street, Clyde, NY 14433
Bids Due By: February 13, 2024 at 11:00 am, prevailing time.
To View The ‘Advertisement For Bids’ containing a description and further instruction click here

Sealed bids for the Controlled Demolition with Asbestos in Place of 3 Properties in Wayne County, NY.
Bids Due By: May 15, 2024 at 11:00 am, prevailing time.
To View The ‘Advertisement For Bids’ containing a description and further instruction click here