To address the problems of vacant, abandoned, derelict, contaminated, or tax delinquent property in Wayne County in a coordinated manner through the acquisition and disposition of real property and returning that property to productive use in order to strengthen the economy, improve the quality of life, and improve the financial condition of the municipalities, through the use of the powers and tools granted to Land Banks by the Laws of the State of New York.
- The Land Bank is part of a long-term strategy to combat the decades-in-the-making problem of vacant, abandoned, and underutilized properties. The strategy to decrease vacancies and promote strong neighborhoods includes effective code enforcement, community strategic planning for land use and housing, and economic development planning that promotes public and private investment.
- A primary activity of the Wayne County Regional Land Bank is the acquisition of real property that is tax delinquent, tax foreclosed, vacant and/or abandoned, and to use the tools of the land bank to eliminate the harms and liabilities caused by such properties.
- Our focus is to collaborate with all appropriate stakeholders - Towns, Villages, Wayne County, Code Enforcement Officers, neighborhood groups, private developers, and individuals to develop and implement strategies for the redevelopment of distressed properties. Re-development includes the creation of economic development opportunities, accessibility, quality affordable and market-rate housing, commercial development, community improvement, generation of local jobs, and more.
- The Board of Directors consists of nine diverse members with a broad range of interests, abilities, skill-sets and experiences. All are committed to the Land Bank and the improvement of Wayne County.
The Wayne County Regional Land Bank was established in 2018 with a mission to address the community impacts of vacant, abandoned, derelict, contaminated, or tax delinquent property in Wayne County in a coordinated manner through the acquisition and disposition of real property and returning that property to productive use. Implementing this mission strengthens the economy, addresses environmental justice impacts, and improves the financial condition of our municipalities, through the use of the powers and tools granted to Land Banks by the Laws of the State of New York. The Land Bank is part of a long-term strategy to combat the decades-in-the-making economic barriers related to vacant, abandoned, and underutilized properties. The strategy to decrease vacancies and promote the creation of strong neighborhoods includes effective code enforcement, community engagement, community strategic planning for land use and housing, and economic development planning that promotes public and private investment. In the first five years of its existence, the WCLB has breathed life into the process of returning underutilized properties to productive use with a direct outcome of reducing environmental justice impacts.
Regular Meetings of the WCRLB Board of Directors are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1:00PM in Conference Room at 16 William St., Lyons, NY 14489
Agenda will be posted Monday prior to the meeting date.
2024 Land Bank Members
Executive Director
Kaleigh Flynn
Deputy Director
Dr. Mark Humbert
Board of Directors
Roger Gallant
Vice Chairman
Mike Donalty
Joyce Moyer
Board Members
Brian Pincelli
Bob Ohmann
Kristen Scott
Jim Brady
Scott Johnson
Steve Groat
Board Committees
Finance and Audit
Joyce Moyer
Kristen Scott
Jim Brady
Mike Donalty
Brian Pincelli
Steve Groat
Real Estate
Roger Gallant
Bob Ohmann
Scott Johnson